Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Looong Overdue Starling Pics

Two Shots, Three Kills.

Perhaps a good handle for the winged beasts would be "sky-'yotes", because they're as destructive as coyotes when it comes to raiding nests and killing the innocent bird species.

Starlings were introduced to America in the 1800's from England, so they aren't protected by U.S. law; they're so nasty that they are killed en masse by farmers.

Sparrows are also hated.

I've downed many.


  1. Nice pictures. You're right they are a nuisance everywhere. Also thanks for you visit. I have made the appropriate changes, I hope you continue to enjoy.

  2. Thank you so very much!

    I truly appreciate that.


  3. Interesting, I never knew starlings were an unprotected species (though that never stopped me). I don't suppose cowbirds are legal targets as well...

  4. No, unfortunately cowbirds are protected; dang this is that they look just like starlings:


    "Oh no, there I go again!"

    "Somebody get me some glasses, I'd a swore that was a starlin'!"

    "Well, maybe that was a female or somethin'."

  5. (The above comment was a joke, I've never shot a cowbird.)


    If that isn't the honest truth, may my computer cras
